Keeping Employee Costs Down
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
by Angela
As famously said by Daniel Defoe, “Things as certain as Death and Taxes, can be more firmly believ’d.” In business, there are few expenses that “as certain” and they usually include everyday items, such as office supplies, electricity, and rent. Of course, if you are large enough to employ staff members, that’s an added cost
- Published in Business Success, Saving Money
How to Keep Project Costs Under Control
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
by Angela
From beginning to end, Project Planning is an enormous undertaking that involves considerations of all types. At the top of any project’s priority is the need to keep project costs under control. If costs start to skyrocket, the project can be thrown off track very quickly, and it can result in significant damages to the
- Published in Business Success, Saving Money
Comparing Hourly Cost vs Per Project Cost
Tuesday, 03 June 2014
by Angela
When you’re setting out to work on a new website, it goes without say that cost is a vital component in the decision-making process. Whether you’re a consultant or company that will be doing work for someone else or you’re a person or company that will be hiring others to help with your project’s lifecycle,
- Published in Saving Money
The Myth of the Freelancer
Friday, 27 December 2013
by Angela
Finding a friend-of-a-friend who makes websites might sound like a good idea. You hear that there are many benefits to using a freelancer. After all, you are getting everything you need from one source. Well, think again as we review the common myths of hiring a freelancer:
- Published in Business Success, Saving Money, Website Basics, Website Creation
Tagged under:
cost effective, Cost Savings, Marketing Trends, saving money, Strategy, Website Basics, Website Tips
Strategies for Marketing on a Tight Budget
Friday, 20 December 2013
by Angela
You have to spend money to make money, right? Just don’t get caught up in the tangle of thinking that you have to have thousands of dollars and a huge team of professionals at your beckoned call to make the most of your marketing efforts. You can show your skills without scraping the bottom of
- Published in Email Marketing, Marketing, Networking, Saving Money, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media
Tagged under:
cost effective, Cost Savings, Email Marketing, Email Newsletters, Facebook, Marketing, Marketing Trends, networking
Selling New Ice to Existing Eskimos
Friday, 06 December 2013
by Angela
Selling to existing customers seems to be an art form that has gone out of style… or perhaps it was never even in style in the first place? How many times have you wondered why new customers get various perks when you see or hear ads? When’s the last time that you noticed that companies
- Published in Business Success, Email Marketing, Saving Money, Social Media
Is a Cheaper Hourly Rate Always Cheaper?
Friday, 26 July 2013
by Angela
Whenever speaking to new potential clients, we are surprised by the simplistic view on hourly rate. People want to know if you have the lowest hourly rate, but never inquire who has the best rate. Isn’t the lowest rate the best? Not always. Imagine you have two companies offering the same service. Company A charges
- Published in Business Success, Saving Money