What is Drupal and what are its benefits?
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
by Angela
For many small (and big) business owners, finding a way to manage content and create a beautiful website can be a daunting and cumbersome task. Because of these reasons, projects like Drupal exist. Drupal is an open source software that is free to use, and it’s maintained by a huge community of developing experts that
- Published in Business Success, Case Study, Website Creation
Is It Time To Send Out An Email Newsletter?
Friday, 28 February 2014
by Angela
Did you know there is a science to the best time to reach out to your customers via email newsletter? It is possible you’ve never thought about it… or thought about it, but didn’t know how to determine the best time to send out your newsletter. We at Optimum Systems Online see customers every day
- Published in Case Study, Email Marketing, Marketing
Case Study: We Give You What’s Right, Not What’s Right Now
Friday, 08 February 2013
by Angela
Note: Though this story is true, we are changing the name of the company involved to protect their privacy and reputation. We will refer to them as MedicalCo in this story. Optimum Systems Online and our partner companies work very hard to ensure we provide our clients with the best solutions for their business, not
- Published in Case Study, Saving Money