What is a Responsive Theme?
Friday, 07 February 2014
by Angela
A responsive theme is a website layout that automatically adjusts to any size monitor, any device and any platform your audience may be using. Why would I need to worry about this? Don’t all devises read all websites? Well, yes and no. If your website isn’t specially programmed to adjust, it will may be
- Published in Website Basics, Website Content, Website Creation
The Myth of the Freelancer
Friday, 27 December 2013
by Angela
Finding a friend-of-a-friend who makes websites might sound like a good idea. You hear that there are many benefits to using a freelancer. After all, you are getting everything you need from one source. Well, think again as we review the common myths of hiring a freelancer:
- Published in Business Success, Saving Money, Website Basics, Website Creation
Tagged under:
cost effective, Cost Savings, Marketing Trends, saving money, Strategy, Website Basics, Website Tips
Search Engine Privacy? I think not!
Friday, 13 December 2013
by Angela
Up until recently, Google Analytics’ data was the basis for most website marketing campaigns. With it, business were able to tell if someone came to your website with the search term “Danbury cheese shop” or “cheesy Connecticut stores”. It let you know how customers viewed your business (ie. “best Milford dentist” or “cheap Milford dentist”).
- Published in Marketing, Tech, Website Basics, Website Content, Website Creation
Tagged under:
Google, Marketing, Marketing Trends, Search Engine, SEO, Tracking Data, Website, Website Tips
Credit Card Processing: IMAs and PSPs
Friday, 11 October 2013
by Angela
When running a business online, whether you’re selling a service or a product, it’s vital for you to understand the options available to you for accepting credit card payments. It’s a subject that can seem complicated at first, but it doesn’t have to be. To help better understand your options, we have outlined the top
- Published in Website Basics, Website Creation
How Online Stores Make You Spend More Money
Thursday, 22 August 2013
by Angela
The wisest shoppers are fully aware that stores on the street implement a whole host of tricks to get customers spending. But physical stores aren’t the only ones at it. Online stores have a few tricks up their own sleeves. Larger Carts: A very simple technique for physical stores is to increase the size of
- Published in Business Success, Website Basics
Email Marketing Basics
Friday, 17 May 2013
by Angela
So what is Email Marketing? It sounds pretty basic: Send emails to people telling them to come by your business. But is anything ever that simple? ? Email marketing is an invaluable tool when used correctly. It can boost your business exponentially, but when used poorly, it can alienate customers. When creating an email marketing
- Published in Social Media, Website Basics
What is a DNS and why do I need it?
Friday, 03 May 2013
by Angela
DNS, or Domain Name System, is the translation of a website or email’s human-friendly location name into a computer-friendly location name, or the website’s URL into an IP Address. Computers read locations by IP addresses. An example of an IP Address would be for the website you are currently on. These addresses are always
- Published in Website Basics
Flash: Good for Websites or Bad for Business?
Friday, 19 April 2013
by Angela
Years ago, a website without Flash was considered archaic, but things change. Though it is visually interesting to incorporate moving imagery and text onto your website, it has many drawbacks that can actually work against your site.
- Published in Website Basics, Website Content
Why can’t I use Papyrus on my website?
Friday, 22 March 2013
by Angela
Though it may appear that websites are developed with unlimited fonts and graphics, this is actually an illusion. There are only a handful of website-friendly fonts used by the online community, and for good reason: a unique font has a possibility of not being visible when viewed on certain computers.
- Published in Website Basics