Should You Hire a Marketing Agency?
Friday, 06 September 2013
by Alexander
Before you head out in search of a Marketing Agency for your business, it’s a good idea to take a moment to look over the pros and cons. Agencies offer many advantages, but there are also disadvantages to consider before handing over control of your business’ marketing.
- Published in Business Success, Marketing, Saving Money
Is a Cheaper Hourly Rate Always Cheaper?
Friday, 26 July 2013
by Angela
Whenever speaking to new potential clients, we are surprised by the simplistic view on hourly rate. People want to know if you have the lowest hourly rate, but never inquire who has the best rate. Isn’t the lowest rate the best? Not always. Imagine you have two companies offering the same service. Company A charges
- Published in Business Success, Saving Money
Case Study: We Give You What’s Right, Not What’s Right Now
Friday, 08 February 2013
by Angela
Note: Though this story is true, we are changing the name of the company involved to protect their privacy and reputation. We will refer to them as MedicalCo in this story. Optimum Systems Online and our partner companies work very hard to ensure we provide our clients with the best solutions for their business, not
- Published in Case Study, Saving Money
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